
Hi there,

It turns out that Diesel never read the cat's guide to getting a new home. That's the guide that says it's the cat's responsibility to hide behind the furniture for three days sulking about the change in environment. We got home, opened the carrier, and he took three steps onto the floor and just flopped over, stretching out nonchalantly and claiming that space. Now renamed Ted, he has thoroughly explored the house, knocking things off shelves and furniture but so far not breaking anything. He was eating and using the litter pan in a matter of a couple of hours. We can't get over how he seems completely unfazed by the transition. When I make coffee or wash dishes, he comes over and stands against the counter, watching me work, eventually diving headfirst into my leg for a quick rub. He doesn't seem to mind being lifted and carried around. My wife's allergies have so far been a non-issue, which is amazing considering what a hair factory he's been. He and my daughter get along very well too, and he even usually comes when called. He reminds me so much of the last cat we got from Mohawk-Hudson about a decade ago that it's just crazy.

Thanks for this great addition to our family!



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Date Added
April 25, 2009