

You probably don't remember Nico, as it has been over 4 years, but he is a pit-mix that I adopted from you guys back in 2006. I can't remember her name, but the woman who introduced us (a bubbly woman with short, blonde hair and an affection for pit bulls) said she always likes to hear updates, and having just celebrated Nico's fifth "birthday" last month, I thought I'd do as much.

Nico is now a happy and healthy 71 pounds, loves the blues and is a die-hard Boston Bruins fan (we have moved to the Boston area). We live with my girlfriend and her cat, and while they get along fine for the most part, they do enjoy tormenting each other from time to time (as any good brother and sister would). But it is all harmless fun. He is clearly a country dog at heart, and will fetch until his legs can't hold him up when we visit my girlfriend's parents in Maine, and he especially loves swimming. Seriously, I cannot get him out of the water when we go to camp. Hopefully within the next year or two we will have a legitimate yard for him to run in, but for now we do our best patrolling the neighborhood and taking advantage of time out of the city.

We have experienced a little bit of...well, I suppose you could call it prejudice, though that sounds a bit dramatic. But overall, the vast majority of people I have met have a great understanding of Pit Bulls (and other large breeds) and that, like any dog, they are only as vicious as they are taught to be. In a strange way, I think the whole Michael Vick situation has helped more than it has hindered, as it has become a tale of redemption--for the dogs, anyway.

In any event, I want to thank you for introducing me to Nico. I can still remember the day - he was mostly skin and bones, but amazingly, his spirit no worse for the wear. I think that is what drew me to him initially -a pooch who had clearly seen some pretty rough times but was just happy to be alive and spend time with people. I am reminded of this spirit each morning when I get up and each day I come home from work, when he is utterly ecstatic to see me, whether or not I really deserve it. He has taught me what it means to raise a dog, not to mention taught me a lot about myself. I don't know what I would do or where I would be without him.

Thank you so much, and keep doing what you do.

Mike W.

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Date Added
January 11, 2011