
We adopted Autumn (now called Maya) in October 2007 from the North Greenbush Petsmart. My daughter was looking for a long-haired kitten, but when we saw Maya it didn't matter that she wasn't a kitten. At just over a year, she's still very much kitten-like. She's fit into our household like she was born there. We have two cats, a dog and a rabbit in the household so I wasn't sure how a new cat was going to blend. Maya came into the house and the first night there she was walking around like she'd always been there. She wasn't afraid of the dog and, while the first night had a few hissing fits between her new brother and sister and the dog, within 3 days Maya was friends with all. As you can see by the attached photo, her new brother loves her already.

Maya frequently washes the heads of her new brother and sister. She's made my other two cats (ages 9 and 10) young again. Now they chase each other from one end of the house to the other and then back again. The dog joins in as well and it sounds like a herd of elephants! I've never had a cat blend in so fast. She's just a sweetheart and we're so glad to have her as part of our family.

Maya's favorite place to sleep is in the rocking chair and on the cat tree, although she can be found in our beds at various times of the night, usually curled up on the pillow beside your head, purring loudly. Thanks to her foster mom (Pam) for taking such good care of her until we could love her and make her part of our family. 


Date Added
January 20, 2008