
My boyfriend Tony and I adopted Tiger shortly after we moved in together back in November. I've always loved cats and my previous roommate of 3 years was allergic so, I couldn't wait! I didn't want a kitten because they keep you up at night and I wanted to save an older cat that desperately needed a home. I just wanted a cat so bad I let Tony pick one out. He thought Tiger was the coolest looking cat in the whole place.

When we adopted Tiger they said to bring him back in 10 days to get neutered. So I brought Tiger home and he was the typical cat for about 3 weeks. Then he started meowing every night in the middle of the night waking us up. He started acting more and more like a tom cat (a non-neutered male cat). Now he would cry at the windows and door like he truly didn't want to be inside anymore.

It wasn't fair to him or us -- I had to find out what was wrong with him. I contacted a vet who did a simple testosterone test and found out Tiger was a tom cat. He said he could perform the surgery but it would be very, very expensive. He recommended contacting MHHS because I did pay the retainer to have him neutered. The next Saturday I drove down to MHHS and explained my story. The women at the desk scheduled me an appointment to have the surgery a few days later.

The day of the surgery I dropped Tiger off, then got a call from MHHS mid day from the vet performing the surgery. She said she remembered Tiger from before. He already had a surgery but they found only one of his two parts before when he was there with his previous owner (they thought he was Cryptorcid, meaning one testicle did not drop; from what I have learned this is fairly common in cats). We have been sleeping through the night since that day.

I thank MHHS for performing all of Tiger's surgeries for only the retainer fee. They were so helpful. Tiger, Tony and I are so happy now. I don't regret anything we've been through and glad we didn't give up on him.

He makes us laugh and lets us sleep everyday.

Date Added
September 27, 2006