
Back in October 2005 my husband finally gave in and made room in his heart for another kitty. Several years ago we came home to find that his special friend and confidante, Kit Kat, had passed away due to an aneurysm. We were all devastated. And while I was ready to bring another furry, purry head into our home early last year, it took some convincing to get him to the shelter.

We started looking around the cat room and my husband disappeared into a corner. He was making friends with the tiniest furball I had ever seen. Her paperwork said that she was 18 months; the vet guessed closer to 9 months. And though she had long hair, it masked a serious issue. She wasn't eating and only weighed in at 6 pounds. Her hip bones were sticking out and you could feel all the bones in her back and ribs. But she purred, head-butted, and licked and licked and licked. I had to take a second look to be sure we didn't have a puppy! For the first two months we tried all sorts of special foods. Now she weighs a humongous 11 pounds!

Her name was Deemo but we quickly changed that to Slinky. She slinks and slithers away like quick silver! But she gives the most FANTASTIC snuggles and loves. And is she ever bossy! If we are outside in the yard she will sit in the window and scold my husband until he gets inside the house! Oh, and I swear she is part lab. Every morning we wake up to find something new in the bed; slippers are one of her favorites, and BOTH gloves. She even brought up my dirty socks one morning.

Well, here is a great picture of the two of them in their favorite Saturday morning spot!

Thank you for helping to make our home complete and healing our broken hearts.

Date Added
October 11, 2006