
My name was Rueben when I arrived at the shelter, but my humans have renamed me Sherlock due to my obvious detective skills and curiosity to boot. I am grateful to the people who were brave enough to grab me off the street to try and help me when I was at my lowest point. Thanks to the effort of local animal control, I was brought to the loving arms of the MHHS. Both my new family and I are forever grateful to the staff of the shelter for not giving up on me when others had. We are incredibly grateful to Dr. Sarah and her staff for saving this dog's life. Due to everyone's effort at the MHHS, I enjoy walks with my mommy and daddy where my super detective snout tracks down squirrels, ducks and chipmunks alike. I have two new canine friends since getting adopted as well. My new mommy and daddy love me and give me an awesome life! They even protect me from thunderstorms. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for saving me and making sure that I got a loving new family I so desperately deserved.


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Date Added
September 13, 2012