Pogo and Oscar

We adopted Pogo from the Mohawk Hudson Humane Society and he came to live with us, our two dogs and two cats. (Both cats are also from the Humane Society.) Pogo is loving and sweet and, most importantly, VERY fluffy and cuddly. Being the new kitten in the home, he was ignored by the two older cats. However, he made very good friends with our big black dog!

One day, we were in Petsmart, and saw the most perfect little kitten (Scooter) walking around the visiting area. We went in, met him and petted him, but knew that, although we adored him, we already had three cats and two dogs, and another cat might not be a good idea. So we went home, but kept thinking about him. We even told Pogo about him!

After a couple of days, we were still thinking about him, and wondering if Pogo would like to have a friend - and we decided to go back to PetSmart and see Scooter. Sadly, Scooter wasn't there. Crushed, we returned home and broke the news to Pogo. The next day, we called the Humane Society to see where Scooter went, and found out he hadn't been adopted but had been placed in a foster home because he had a cold. We got in contact with Barb, the foster mom who was nursing Scooter (and several other homeless kitties) back to health. We visited Scooter a couple times (thanks to Barb's kindness) and soon he got better and we got to bring him home!

Well, as you can see from the picture, Scooter (we call him Oscar) and Pogo are now best friends! We're so glad to have such wonderful animals in our lives! It's very fun at our house.

Jennifer and Fritz 

Date Added
January 10, 2009