
I adopted Oscar (formerly Butchie) last November after my cat Mickey died. Mickey was a stray kitten that I brought home from a vacation in Lake George almost six years ago. I was very, very attached to him, and he was always with me. Unfortunately, he died on my birthday, and needless to say, I was heartbroken.

I knew the best thing to do was to get another cat, not to replace Mickey, but to fill a quiet house. I was raised with the tradition of always adopting cats that needed homes, so I went to the shelter. When there, all the cats were very friendly and attention-seeking, except this one huge, fluffy black cat. I visited many cats, but kept coming back to the black cat. Finally I asked one of the workers to take him out for me, and in about two seconds we bonded, and I knew he was mine.

Everyone in my family loves Oscar. He is a very quirky but great pet who loves to squeeze his 18-pound self into tiny boxes. :)

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Date Added
August 8, 2009