
My husband and I adopted Chewie on November 1st. Since coming home he has been renamed Marley (it just kind of stuck). I just have to say, we feel like we have found a long-lost family member in Marley. When we came looking at the shelter, a friendly volunteer begged us to just meet this dog. And I remember when I first saw him, I turned to my husband and said, "He's so funny looking!" Marley was thin and, with his big block head, it looked like he might tip forward! Marley had kennel cough, which after a second round of meds from our vet cleared up beautifully. Our boy is now a healthy 65 pounds! Marley LOVES playing outside in our backyard with his new friend Bailey (my in-laws' Beagle). They spend hours romping and playing tug of war. Marley goes for long runs with my husband and comes home and crashes on the couch! We are thinking of working with Marley to help him become a Pit Bull ambassador, due to his extreme affection for humans, especially children. Marley has been a blessing; he is our baby. We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts, as I'm sure Marley does too.

Cheers! Laura and Daniel


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Date Added
January 31, 2011