Katie and Lucy

Here are some pictures of our cats that we recently adopted. These first pictures are of Katie, also known as "Sunny" when we adopted her. We love Katie very much!

We then adopted Lucy (we changed her name, which was originally Josie). I also sometimes call her "Lemur" because she has such big, curious eyes!

Lucy and Katie took a little while to get used to each other, but now we think they enjoy each other's company. We often find them napping together in close proximity, and they've even learned to eat and drink from the same dishes.

Lucy has been a wonderful addition to our family. We hope you enjoy the pictures!


This was taken a few days after we brought her home. She slept on the foot of our bed the very first night. This is one of the first times we caught them hanging out together peacefully. They both love the window, so we got a second bed so they can both nap back there.
This was taken right after she woke up from a nap one day. When she sleeps, her tongue sometimes sticks out of her mouth (pretty far, too!). It will stay stuck out for a little bit even after she has woken up. Here she is enjoying one of her favorite sleep spots.
You can see that she is very interested in our beta tank. When Katie won't stop following her around, Lucy likes to jump to the top tier of our scratching post. They also like to sleep on the platforms.
Date Added
January 11, 2009