
I was looking through Petfinder and saw more animals for adoption at the Mohawk Hudson Humane Society. I can't adopt any more until I buy a house with a larger yard, but I keep looking to see who needs a forever home! I wanted to give an update on Fireball, the pit bull I adopted last summer.

Fireball has since become Joey. I thought with her long brown tail and round puppy tummy that she looked like a baby kangaroo, so Joey stuck. She was about 30 pounds when I took her and has bulked up to a nice, muscular 60 pounds. She is still a short little thing with a cute, tiny head, but she's also very broad and powerful. She gets along famously with my boyfriend's Boston Terrier and my mother's albino pit bull, and thinks she owns the furniture. She loves the dog park, going running, car rides and especially snuggling. She in very interested in running water (rain, showers, flushing potties and streams), snooping in the garbage and watching cartoons. It turns out she does not like cats but LOVES other dogs. She gets so excited and dances around when we're out walking and another dog approaches!

She has grown to be a very smart girl with a mind of her own. While she is generally well-behaved and listens to commands (sit, lay, shake, catch, go pee), sometimes she gets it into her head that she wants to do something (or not do it) and won't give up. Wrestling with the Boston is one example, and she very frequently decides on a toy that we MUST play with and she'll slobber all over it and throw it at me, or squeak it in my face until I play the game, or lay down and make me set her in the crate because she'd rather run loose while I'm gone.

Thank you for the opportunity to have such a great girl whom I love dearly!



Date Added
July 12, 2008