
It has been about 3 years since we adopted Jake. Some of the pictures are from when we first got him. We actually got him for my daughter, April. Last April she had a baby and when they moved to their apartment, she took Jake with her. He is a cat that actually loves the baby, dogs and other cats. Jake lets the baby know when he's had enough, but he rubs up against her when she has been gone for a few days. When they lived here he liked to sleep in the dog's crate. In the kitchen in my house, he loved it on the top of the cabinet but would not go in the room again after falling off the counter and hanging from his paw on one of the drawer pulls. He really scared us that day but was fine. He is a very mischievous cat but he is lovable. Some days I do miss his antics. My daughter got the Beagle in the picture from a pet store. I would never do that -- rescues only for us!


Date Added
July 12, 2008