

We just wanted to give you an update on our adoption of a Chihuahua about a year ago. She was one of the many that you rescued from Coeymans.

When I first went in with my Shepherd, Sandy, and met a few of the puppies, my heart just melted. I went back a few days later to meet Bell. She was very scared and, because of the trauma she'd been through, had bit everyone that had handled her. There was some concern whether or not I could adopt her because I have two small children. We went ahead with the adoption anyway and it was the best thing I had ever done.

I brought her home and named her Harley. She was four months old and didn't like anyone but me. It only took her two weeks to start warming up to my husband.

Now that she is a year old she is doing very well. She prefers my husband but loves to play with us all. She is a cuddler now and still loves to play with our Shepherd. She loves to go for rides in the car to PetSmart. She will even say at grandma's house when we go away on vacations.

Bell has many (dog) friends that she plays with in the neighborhood, including a Dachshund and a chocolate Lab. She even has a big black cat she plays with. I am including a bunch of pictures for you to enjoy.

Thank you,

The Pierre Family


Date Added
January 10, 2009