
I will never forget the day I adopted my kitten from your shelter. The story is really "Happy." We walked in hoping to walk out with a cat. We approached a volunteer and asked "Do you have any kittens left?" The man said "no" and I was about to cry. Out of nowhere, a lady came up and said, "If you really want a kitten, you can have the kitten I picked out." She had decided to adopt an older cat. Then and there, I knew it was meant to be. Best of all, the kitten's name was "Happy" and that is my mother's middle name. She is doing great and is indeed very "Happy." Thank you for all the time and effort you put into helping her out! 


It's been a couple of months since I left the shelter. I am now 9 months old. I just wanted to say thanks a bunch for taking care of me. I will never forget my times at the shelter. Once again, thanks!


P.S.: Oh! And by the way, my tail is 14 ½ inches!



Date Added
July 12, 2008