
From the first moment I saw him, he was perfect. Just looked up at me with those big brown eyes and his happy smile. We took him outside, and the first thing he did was press up against my legs and ask for a tummy rub. I was hooked. I brought my husband down, and he agreed - this dog was just right. Playful, but calm. And very likely to get along with our two cats, Porterhouse and Victor.

We brought him home and named him Gromit, after one of our favorite shows, Wallace and Gromit. Within two hours he knew his new name, surprising both of us! He's learned everything very fast, from how to escape an e-collar and open the sunroom door, to how to catch a ball and treats in midair.

He also taught us a few things. We planned to keep him isolated from the cats for the first week to let them acclimate, but he decided after just two days that he was ready to meet them. And he was right - Victor, the younger, didn't seem to mind that the dog was roaming the house. Porterhouse was a bit more shy, but a baby gate gave him some privacy. After 6 days he was ready too, and now the three of them are quite happy sharing our home and our love.

Gromit has made our little family feel complete, and every day he makes me smile. My favorite part of the day is after his evening walk and playtime when he gets sleepy and we just lay on the floor and snuggle, with his head on my arm and my head on his shoulder. It's been so short a time, but already I can't imagine life without him. Thanks, MHHS, for helping me find my new best friend.

~ Libby Akari

Date Added
July 2, 2006