
I adopted Dice in April 2010, shortly before his first birthday. When I had some one-on-one time at the shelter with Dice, he was so energetic. He licked me, bit me and then laid down on my lap to sleep. I was in love! Dice was introduced to his new home that afternoon and he fit right in.

It has now been a year and Dice Man rules the roost. He is a total goof and has no balance or other regular cat skills. He can fall off the queen-size bed without working too hard and he slides right across the dining room table. Dice is my constant companion. He talks to me and sits at my feet while I cook dinner and sleeps as close to me as he can (usually with his head on my pillow). Each night when I come home from work he greets me, tells me about his day, then sits and grooms me. He is an amazing cat. He was joined by Molly (adopted from friends) in July 2010. Molly was rough at first, but they are now best friends and play all the time. Dice is about twice the size he was a year ago, but he still manages to squeeze into the bathroom sink for a summer cool-off.


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Date Added
May 11, 2011