
Hello everyone! It's me, Cleo, the brindle pit bull you used to take care of!

I just wanted to tell you how I have been doing since I have moved into my forever home with my daddy and mommy. I am so happy and my parents say I am such a smart girl. Mom and Dad taught me how to stay, leave it, lie down and jump.

I love my mommy, but I have to admit I am Daddy's little girl. I love that guy! And the one-year-old isn't half bad either. I know to walk around her when she is running like a madman, and I love to give her kisses when she falls down just so she feels better. The two-month old is very loud sometimes. Every time he cries, I run over to him then go to Mom and bark, then run back to the little one because I want Mommy to take care of him and I like to make sure he is okay.

I also go to work with Daddy every other day. I get to run around in the parking lot with Uncle Kevin and Dad, and when I'm inside I say hi to all of the customers and they love me. Who says pit bulls are scary? Everyone LOVES me!

I am really happy. Mommy and Daddy are thinking about getting me a friend, so they will be checking out the website for a male pit bull and they will be coming there once in a while to see if there is someone to be my best friend. I will see you guys soon, but not to stay -- I'll be going right back home with my family! I love you guys and thanks again for everything! I love my new home and they take good care of me.

Date Added
January 11, 2009