
To those who cared for Cappy,

I know some of you have wondered how little Capricorn would do in her new home. I'm happy to say she's fantastic, a sweetheart and very smart.

When we left that day (Dec. 14) she had just been spayed, was recovering from kennel cough, did not know any commands, hated a leash and was terrified of most things.

Since then she has come out of her shell to reveal a very smart, bouncy, playful and cuddly little girl. She had her first vet visit a week ago and was the model patient. She has learned to play and to love anything that squeaks. She can sit, wait, lay down, stand and, just today, "show me your belly." I can file and clip her toe nails without a fuss. She uses the pee pads and litter pan in the house with almost 100% consistency. On the leash she stays right by my left foot.

She loves the wood stove, as you can see in her photo. Here she is, passed out with her belly to the fire.

She is still shy of other people, though no longer shivering when someone comes near. I've heard her bark only twice. She does cry a little sometimes, but that is improving too. She is a little gem, and is downright funny with some of her antics. I love the spots on the pads of her feet. I'm so glad she came home with me. Perhaps we'll be able to stop in sometime and you can see the happy little girl she has become.

Thank you for all the care you gave to her that helped her have a new start in life.




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Date Added
January 31, 2011