
This is a Happy Tail update from Butterfinger. We adopted her in November of 2008 when she was five months old. She just turned one year old about two weeks ago. She is the highlight of our family!

Her name now is Bella. I wanted to change it and to me she looked like a Bella, because of that brown circle on her head.

Bella has a best friend now. His name is Niko (he is in one of the pictures). They play is very funny to see.

Bella's latest thing is to chase and eat ants. That is funny because she is afraid of them, but at the same time wants to play with them. It's usually a five-minute show and at the end the ant is gone.she ate it. She is petrified of water, hates going swimming. On hot days we bring her up to the reservoir close to our home and plop her in the water to get her cooled down.

She loves the outside when it is warm. Not too thrilled in the winter, but when it's warm she will lay out in the sun for hours on end and then come in panting. She absolutely loves car rides. If she is outside and if I or my mom or dad goes near the car, she will wait for one of us to open up the passenger side door for her to get in. It is a little annoying because if she can't go with us, it's impossible for her to walk away. Or if we see her inside, she gives the "wait, what about me" look -- very heartbreaking but I can't take her to work with me!

Bella eats about anything except ramen noodles, good thing too. She has her own bed and a basket of toys that is usually all over the living room, and she is very spoiled with her crate. At night she usually goes in to my parents' bedroom to wish them a goodnight and then goes in her crate and sleeps there until morning. Then in the morning she goes outside to go potty and goes downstairs to my bed, where she sleeps until I get up. But when she goes downstairs she plops herself down so you would hear "thump thump thump thump thump" -- gets faster as she is closer to the bottom.

Her name is Bella but we call her Boogey, Doodlepuss, Squeakypuss and Squeakydoodle!

Thanks so much, Andrea M.


Submit your own Happy Tail story and pictures.

Date Added
August 8, 2009