
"You've got to be kidding," I thought to myself when I first saw Bailey at Mohawk Hudson. She was a tiny, timid, old girl. I couldn't figure out what she was doing there.

So, Bailey came home with me. I quickly discovered she was an eating machine. Living with her has been an ideal weight-loss program. There is nothing that she won't try; from ice cream to Indian food, she eats it all without a problem. Occasionally though, her eyes are bigger than her stomach and she'll encounter something that is just too BIG to eat in one sitting, like the Price Chopper roast chicken she grabbed from a grocery bag. (Don't worry, I wrestled away from her...and she didn't speak to me for days.)

Luckily, Bailey keeps her figure by staying pretty active for an old lady. She goes for a constitutional every morning and spends a lot of time barking at her beagle brother, reminding him who's in charge. Some days she even runs around the yard, but I have a feeling when I'm not home, all she does is try to watch her soaps. One day she did manage to turn the TV on and was yelling at Judge Judy when I got home.

I'm not sure what I would do without her. Not only would I not be as happy, but I would probably also weigh significantly more and not laugh nearly as much. Thank you so much for introducing me to my old girl!

Date Added
March 18, 2007