
When I started working at PetSmart, the first promise I made to myself was, "I am not getting any pets." I managed to stick to that until week two. That's when Avalon stole my heart.

I saw her in the window, and she rolled over and pawed at the glass, and looked at me with these huge, gorgeous eyes that just screamed, "I need love." In those eyes, I saw a need that I had never seen so deeply in my whole life. You know those sad commercials about abandoned animals that make you cry? Well, when I saw those eyes, Niagara Falls started spouting out of my face. It was just like those commercials, only right in front of me, and I knew I had no choice but to take her home and love her forever.

When I went to pick her up from work after filling out paperwork, she was gone. Devastated, I asked what happened to her, and was told she got rotated back to the shelter, which was a good half an hour away. I don't drive. But a little thing like a $40 taxicab ride wasn't going to keep us apart. So, I took the cab to the shelter, where they went on to tell me she had a skin condition from a serious seafood allergy. That wouldn't keep us apart either.

As soon as they brought her out of the back and we saw each other again, her ears perked up and she started meowing at me. To this day, I know she was worth every obstacle I had to face to bring her home. To see her look at me every day, happy, content, with no trace of sadness or loss or need, is the most incredible feeling. She is now a proud, confident member of the family, and I can tell she knows she is never going to have to worry about being left behind ever again.

Roxy S.


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Date Added
March 17, 2015