Thank you for helping to make Heathcliff's Valentine wish come true! This boy has a heart full of love ... but a mouth full of trouble. He will need costly, specialized jaw surgery to be able to open and close his mouth so that he can chew. He also has some very bad teeth that need to be removed. This care will cost over $4,000. Your gift of any amount to our Guardian Angel Fund will help us to provide the care he needs to alleviate his pain, and make it easier for him to eat and groom. After that, he'll be on his way to a loving home.
We greatly appreciate your support, kindness and generosity. Thank you!
Payment options include credit card (Visa, MC, Discover and Amex), PayPal, Venmo and Wallet.
MHHS is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Our tax ID is 14-1338459.
Your contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
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